Managing Cybersecurity During Reductions in Force
Keepin’ it secure
We talk a lot about risk at Onwards HR. Most often we discuss risks related to wrongful termination lawsuits or severance mispayments. However, it’s also important to acknowledge the risk of a data breach — a mishap you hear about far too often.
Employee data is one of the most precious pieces of information that companies own, especially sensitive individual data like name, address, gender, race, date of birth, etc. It’s important that this information is handled carefully to ensure it remains confidential.
The Risk of Using Spreadsheets and Email
When HR manages separations manually, the technology of choice has usually been spreadsheets and email.
HR uses spreadsheets to keep track of employees who are considered and impacted, along with the business justification and selection criteria. This data includes first and last name, salary, home address, employment data, employee justification, and the like. Severance pay, benefit amounts, and bonus payments are also calculated and tracked using spreadsheets.
Also, when evaluating for bias, HR often analyzes spreadsheets to assess if any protected populations have been disparately impacted. Note that to evaluate for bias (disparate impact), you need certain employee demographics, like date of birth, gender, disability, and race.
During these manual separations, HR securely emails spreadsheets — or links to them — to other stakeholders as part of the review and approval process.
Ideally, that important employee information is sent securely and goes to the right person. However, as the news reminds us regularly, there are many cases where employees forget to send emails securely or emails someone outside the company — whether on purpose or by accident. These mistakes can be disastrous for the business and its employees, as illustrated in this costly example.
How Can You Reduce Your Cybersecurity Risk?
It is surprisingly simple. Stop using spreadsheets and email to manage reductions in force. Instead, implement technology specifically designed to manage RIFs, like Onwards HR.
Onwards HR streamlines severance without the need for spreadsheets and email. Employee information remains secure, and HR gains the efficiencies of a streamlined workflow.
Reducing a company’s risk of a security breach is just one more reason companies choose Onwards HR to manage their severance process.