Don’t Fire Your DEI Strategy

Fair separation practices that won’t undermine your DEI progress (or land you in court)

HR Professionals Magazine DEI Strategy

After the summer of 2020 spotlighted the racial tension that has been building in the United States, many companies placed greater emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). In 2021, about 83% of U.S. organizations reported having diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, according to a survey by WorldatWork. Of those organizations, 89% used metrics to track DEI in recruitment — an indicator of progress. 

Companies talk a lot about diversity, equity, and inclusion in recruitment and hiring. However, there’s an absence of data related to employee separations, and especially involuntary separations. 

Click here to read the full article by Jen Bender and Sarah Rodehorst.

Source: HRProfessionalsMagazine


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